Dr. Cube - 3D Rubik Cube

Version 0.11.188

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Dr. Cube ?
Dr. Cube is a mobile version of the Rubik Cube made for people who love stimulating puzzle games.

This lovely little game was born during the winter semester 2006/2007 at the University of Passau as part of the Software Engineering Practical (SEP) programme.
Dr. Cube? What's that supposed to mean?
Dr. Cube is an abbreviation of the term "3D Rubik Cube".
How do I install Dr. Cube?
Installing Dr. Cube can be done in different ways, but it all depends on your mobile phone. Usually you just have to copy the game (the .jar file) to your phone (i.e. via Bluetooth or infrared). Details on how to transfer files to your phone are usually available in your phone's user manual.

Don't worry if your phone doesn't have Bluetooth and infrared, or if you don't own a data cable. There's still hope ;)

Another way to install Dr. Cube is to download it directly to your mobile phone via UMTS or GPRS.

Just open your phone's WAP browser and surf on over to


and you can install Dr. Cube by WAP without having to mess with Bluetooth or any cables.

IMPORTANT: Using the WAP download may cost money, depending

on your network provider and your mobile tariff/service plan.
What kind of mobile phone do I need to play Dr. Cube?
Dr. Cube should run on every mobile phone that supports Java ME (CLDC1.1/MIDP2.0). A list of mobile phones Dr. Cube was tested with, can be found on the page "Supported cell phones".